
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1261 From: TKSOFT Date: 6/10/2011
Subject: KMotion/KFlop Version 4.25 Released

KMotion/KFlop Version 4.25 Released

KMotionCNC - Trajectory Planner Corner Rounding/Smoothing http://www.dynomotion.com/Help/KMotionCNC/TrajectoryPlanner.htm

KFLOP - Coordinated Motion Low Pass filter + KFLOP Direct Write to Disk Files (basic fopen, fprintf, fclose)

Mach3 - Rigid Tapping http://www.dynomotion.com/Help/Mach3Plugin/Mach3RigidTapping.htm

Bug Fixes




Group: DynoMotion Message: 1765 From: Cees.olgers Date: 8/31/2011
Subject: Re: KMotion/KFlop Version 4.25 Released

Hi Tom


Is it possible to have one motor and drive in step and direction mode, and the other two  analog?


I hope you understand


Best regards


Group: DynoMotion Message: 1766 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/31/2011
Subject: Re: KMotion/KFlop Version 4.25 Released
Hi Cees,
Yes.  Each Axis Channel can be configured as any Output Mode.  However using Kanalog for the Analog Servos normally consumes KFLOP connectors JP7 and JP5 which normally have the Step/Dir Outputs.  There are two workarounds.
#1 - unplug JP5 from Kanalog to allow use of 4 Step/Dir Outputs.  The second half of the differential encoder inputs on Kanalog will not be available.
#2 - Switch the Step/Dir outputs from JP5 to JP4 and JP6 using a special Mux option.  See:

--- On Wed, 8/31/11, Cees.olgers <atmolgers@...> wrote:

From: Cees.olgers <atmolgers@...>
Subject: RE: [DynoMotion] KMotion/KFlop Version 4.25 Released
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011, 4:28 AM


Hi Tom


Is it possible to have one motor and drive in step and direction mode, and the other two  analog?


I hope you understand


Best regards
